Zeus, Lord of Olympia Guide
Zeus, Lord of Olympia :
Punished for assisting the Sentinel in their mortal struggle, Zeus was exiled from the Gods and stripped of much of his power. Even in his weakened form, his lightning attacks are nothing to trifle with. He has spells that damage both single and multiple units, making him a very specialized caster.
Table of contents
Part I - Introduction
1. Foreword
2. Hero Overview
3. Hero Positives and Negatives
4. Hero Abilities
5. Recommended Skill Order
6. Explanation for Skills
7. End of Introduction
Part II - Refresher Zeus
8. Introduction to Build
9. Recommended Items
10. Item Build
11. Item Explanations
12. Possible Items Afterwards
13. Gameplay Walkthrough
Part III - Support Zeus
14. Introduction to Build
15. Recommended Items
16. Item Build
17. Item Explanations
18. Possible Items Afterwards
19. Game play Walk through
Part IV - Miscellaneous
20. Recommended Allies
21. Worst Enemies
22. Replays
23. Pointless Trivia
24. Guide Version/Endnotes
Part I - Introduction
1. Foreword
I wrote this guide because many people were requesting a guide on this hero. I hope to teach you a way to play him aside from kill stealing allies with his Ultimate (as fun as that may be.
Zeus is a notorious hero, most well known for his Ultimate, the kill stealing Zap of Doom. However, he also has a powerful array of nukes, as well as a passive which relies on those spells being cast as often as possible. Properly played, he will destroy enemy heroes early game and deal critical damage to them late game.
Nuking means using powerful anti-hero spells on an enemy, and will be referred to often within this guide.
2. Hero Overview
Base move speed is 290.
Base STR is 19 + 1.4 per level.
Base AGI is 15 + 1.7 per level.
Base INT is 20 + 2.5 per level.
Base Damage is 41-49.
Base HP is 511.
Base Mana is 260.
Base Armor is 3.1.
Attack Range is 350.
3. Hero Positives and Negatives
Powerful early/middle game with his strong nukes.
Great farming with arc lightning and decent attack.
Wrath of Zeus is a fantastic finisher, allowing you to pick off a weak hero no matter his location.
Poor late game due to nukes losing effectiveness and low attack range.
No disables whatsoever, a serious weakness for a caster hero.
Runs out of mana rather easily, due to high spammability of his nukes.
4. Hero Abilities
Arc Lightning [C] - Hurls a bolt of lightning that bounces to many nearby enemy units.
Level 1 - 5 bounces, 85 damage.
Level 2 - 7 bounces, 100
Level 3 - 9 bounces, 115
Level 4 - 15 bounces, 130
A long-range, low cool down, low mana cost nuke. Early game, you want to hit the enemy hero in your lane with this as many times as possible. Also great for farming, since you can cast it multiple times later and kill off an entire creep wave like that. Stacks very well with Static Field.
Static Field - Passive skill that damages enemy heroes for a percentage of their current HP (not max) every time Zeus casts a spell.
500 AOE.
Level 1 - 5% damage dealt.
Level 2 - 7% damage dealt
Level 3 - 9% damage dealt
Level 4 - 11% damage dealt
Zeus's two primary spells have fairly low cool downs, so this passive has great synergy with them. However, you need to be relatively close to the enemy hero in order for this to activate. In group fights, you definitely want to wait until the enemies have engaged in combat before you step into the middle and begin casting.
Lightning Bolt [G] - A single target nuke that deals damage.
Level 1 - 100 damage dealt.
Level 2 - 175 damage dealt.
Level 3 - 275 damage dealt.
Level 4 - 350 damage dealt.
Zeus's primary nuke. Fairly long range and short cool down, you should spam this on enemy heroes when your mana regen is able to support it. Late game, when your mana Regen is high enough to support it, you can use it on the ranged creep in order to score an instant kill.
Thunder god's Wrath [W] - A nuke that hits every enemy hero on the map, regardless of location.
Level 1 - Deals 210 Damage.
Level 2 - Deals 335 Damage.
Level 3 - Deals 460 Damage.
Level 4 - Deals 585 Damage. (Scepter)
Zeus's finisher, since it has unlimited range. However, as a rule, you want to try to kill the enemy with this before he escapes your vision, so you also get experience from killing the enemy hero. Make sure you arrange with teammates to have a quick way to call for this ultimate (I like to use "Zap") to finish off any fleeing low HP heroes.
5. Recommended Skill Order
This skill order is used for both of my Zeus builds.
Level 1 - Arc Lightning
Level 2 - Lightning Bolt
Level 3 - Lightning Bolt
Level 4 - Static
Level 5 - Lightning Bolt
Level 6 - Wrath
Level 7 - Lightning Bolt[Go for First Blood here]
Level 8-10 - Arc Lightning
Level 11 - Wrath
Level 12-14 - Static
Level 15 - Stats
Level 16 - Wrath
And you can guess what abilities to take after this point.
6. Explanation for Skills
I take Arc early so I can start harassing/farming with it right away. Lightning Bolt is definitely your strongest nuke, so maxing it is your first priority. One point of Static is good enough for early game, since the first level is the strongest level up by far.
7. End of Introduction
I have two Zeus builds, one centered around Scepter/Refresher for massive damage to the enemy heroes, and one around Guinsoo/Mekansm, as a Support Zeus. Pick whichever suits your taste more. Part II is Refresher Zeus, while Part III is Support Zeus.
Part II - Refresher Zeus
8. Introduction to Build
This is a risky power build which can score you double/triple kills once you're set up. The downside is that, in order to achieve the Scepter/Refresher combo as soon as possible, you have no escape methods whatsoever, so you must play smartly.
9. Recommended Items
Ring of Basilius| 500 gold
Shop:Level 1 (Human) Shop
+6 damage
65% mana regeneration Aura
+3 Armor Aura
Sobi Mask
Ring of Protection
Perseverance| 1775 gold
Shop:Level 1 (Human) Shop
+7 damage
100% increased mana Regen
+4 HP/Sec Regen
Ring of Health
Void Stone
Soul Booster| 3300 gold
Shop:Level 2 (Orc) Shop
450 HP boost
400 mana boost
10% mana Regen
1 HP/Sec Regen
Point Booster
Vitality Booster
Energy Booster
Aghanim's Scepter| 2900 gold
Shop:Level 4 (Undead) Shop
450 HP boost
400 mana boost
+30 intelligence
Improves the Ultimate of certain heroes
Soul Booster
Mystic Staff
Oblivion Staff| 1925 gold
Shop:Level 1 (Human) Shop
+15 damage
50% increased mana Regen
10% increased attack speed
+6 intelligence
Sobi Mask
Robe of the Magi
Refresher Orb| 1875 gold
Shop:Level 4 (Undead) Shop
+40 damage
150% increased mana Regen
+4 HP/Sec Regen
Ability to refresh all cool downs for 275 mana
Oblivion Staff
Refresher Recipe
10. Item Build
--Buy at Start--
Finish Basilius (Buy Sobi Mask + Ring of Protection - 500 gold
[If it's AR, buy a Salve and two branches as well]
--Early Game (Level 1-10)--
Buy Void Stone - 900 gold
[You may want to buy 1-2 Null Talisman at this point, if you're having mana problems.]
Finish Perseverance (Buy Ring of Health) - 875 gold
Buy Boots of Speed - 500 gold
--Mid Game(Level 11-16)--
Buy Point Booster - 1200 gold
Buy Energy Booster - 1000 gold
Finish Soul Booster (Buy Vitality Booster) - 1100 gold
Finish Agh. Scepter - 2900 gold
--Late Game(Level 17 onwards)--
Buy Quarterstaff - 1150 gold
Finish Oblivion Staff (Buy Sobi Mask + Robe of Magi) - 775 gold
Finish Refresher - 1875 gold
11. Item Explanations
Early game, you want Basilius since it's a cheap and effective way of allowing you to spam Arc early game. If your ally in your lane is getting one, however, skip it and buy a few mantles of intelligence instead. Perseverance early allows you to stay in your lane and farm for your other items. Point booster is first since it is the most effective out of the 3 boosters.
Scepter increases the effectiveness of Wrath, and, more importantly, gives you the mana pool required to sustain double Wrath. Refresher, obviously, lets you spam your enhanced Wrath 2x in a row, dealing massive damage to enemy heroes.
12. Possible Items afterwards
Eul Scepter/Guinsoo Staff - If the game drags on even after double Wrath, you must give yourself some disable in order to remain viable.
Mekansm - With your great mana Regen, you should be able to cast this whenever it is needed, helping your team greatly in pushes.
Necromicon - Another way to enhance your role in battle, assuming you can control the Necromicon demons and Zeus's micro heavy spells at the same time.
13. Gameplay Walkthrough
--Early Game (Level 1-10)--
Whether you solo or not is Dependant on the enemy lineup. If they are primarily low hp caster/agility types, feel free to ask for a solo lane if you wish. However, if there are several high HP tanks, or strong anti casters (Antimage and Nerubian Assassin come to mind), let the hero who can be the most help solo instead. If you partner up, try to get a partner with some form of disable, since Zeus lacks that in his arsenal.
Manage your lane using standard farming/denying tactics (See my Micro Guide if you need clarification). Whenever your mana is full, toss an Arc Lightning at the enemy hero(s). If their hp Regen is lacking, spamming Arc/Lightning Bolt may force them to heal, or, if they're careless, possibly an early kill. You can also use Arc on low hp creeps to farm and harass the enemy at the same time.
Once you have Static, whenever you cast Arc you want to run within 500 range of the enemy hero before casting it, then back off.
You must farm your Void Stone quickly in order to keep up the pressure on the enemy heroes, or you risk them becoming unmanageable later in the game.
Level 7 is your best time to score a kill. If the enemy in your lane seems to be too tough to kill, gank another enemy lane. Make sure you have enough mana for 2 statics, a Lightning, and Wrath.
Procedure for killing enemy heroes is as follows: move within 500 AOE of them, cast Arc, move closer, cast Lightning, chase, attacking once or twice if possible, cast Arc, then quickly cast Wrath. If you have the mana for it, an additional Lightning before Wrath will help with high HP heroes.
After casting a spell, immediately command Zeus to move to interrupt his .25 second casting animation. This can mean the difference between killing a hero and letting him escape.
Keep the pressure on the enemies in your lane, try to farm/harass/deny as much as possible.
--Mid Game (Level 11-16)--
You are definitely becoming weaker at this point, so substitute quantity for quality. Use your two main nukes as soon as they cool to keep up a nonstop barrage of spells at your enemy.
You are a huge gank target, since many hunter heroes can easily tank your nukes, disable you, and kill you. You have no disables at this point, so play smartly. Keep an eye on the minimap and try not to travel alone.
If the enemy heroes in your lane are quickly becoming too much to handle, inform your teammates that you are "roaming". Basically, you want to scan the mini map for low HP heroes and ambush them at this point. Also take the time to stay in a lane for a few minutes from time to time, since your late game power is Dependant on Scepter/Refresher.
--Late Game (Level 17 onwards)--
If group fights start before Refresher, stay on the outer fringes of the battle. You still want to keep their tank heroes within a medium distance so they are affected by Static, but any closer and you will probably die. Spam your nukes as often as possible, and save Wrath until one of the enemy heroes is dangerously low.
After Refresher, you become a monster at dealing damage. Change your battle procedure completely. Wait until the teams start fighting, then rush into the middle of the fight. Cast Arc, Lightning, Wrath, then Refresher, Arc, Lightning, Wrath. The HP reduction from Static alone approaches 50%, and any low HP heroes in the area will almost definitely die. However, if your mana pool isn't enough to support all these nukes, simply rush in, Arc, Wrath, Refresher, Arc, Wrath.
You'll most likely run out of mana and die after your combo, but you should kill/badly weaken almost all of their heroes, allowing your team to mop up and win.
Part III - Support Zeus
14. Introduction to Build
A build that centers around Guinsoo/Mekansm to make up for Zeus's natural weaknesses and make a powerful support/caster hybrid. You probably won't be getting too many kills by late game, but what does that matter if your team wins?
15. Recommended Items
Headdress of Rejunevation|657 gold
Shop:Level 1 (Human) Shop
+2 to all stats
2 HP/Sec Healing Aura
Ring of Regeneration
Ironwood Branch
Headdress Recipe
Eul's Scepter| 2350 gold
Shop:Level 2 (Orc) Shop
+18 intelligence
100% mana regeneration
6 charges of Cyclone
Void Stone
Staff of Wizardry
Robe of the Magi
Oblivion Staff| 1925 gold
Shop:Level 1 (Human) Shop
+15 damage
50% increased mana Regen
10% increased attack speed
+6 intelligence
Sobi Mask
Robe of the Magi
Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse| 900 gold
Shop:Level 4 (Undead) Shop
+35 damage
250% mana regeneration
+25 intelligence
Can turn enemy into a sheep for 3 seconds
Oblivion Staff
Eul's Scepter
Scythe Recipe
Netherezim Buckler| 867 gold
Shop:Level 1 (Human) Shop
+2 to all stats
+5 armor
Activatable +2 armor AOE ability
Chain Mail
Ironwood Branch
Buckler Recipe
Mekansm| 900 gold
Shop:Level 2 (Orc) Shop
+5 to all stats
+5 armor
3 HP/Sec Healing Aura
Activatable 250 HP/+2 armor AOE ability
Headdress of Rejunevation
Netherezim Buckler
Mekansm Recipe
16. Item Build
--Buy at Start--
Buy Ring of Regeneration + 2 Ironwood Branches - 489 gold
[If it's AR, buy the headdress recipe sooner.]
--Early Game (Level 1-10)--
Finish Headdress (Buy Recipe) - 225 gold
Buy Void Stone - 900 gold
Buy Cloak of Magi - 450 gold
Finish Eul Scepter (Buy Staff of Wizardry) - 1000 gold
--Mid Game (Level 11-16)--
Buy Boots of Speed - 500 gold
Buy Quarterstaff - 1150 gold
Finish Oblivion Staff (Buy Sobi Mask + Robe of Magi) - 775 gold
Finish Guinsoo's Scythe(Buy Recipe) - 900 gold
--Late Game (Level 17 onwards)--
Finish Buckler (Buy Chain mail + Recipe) - 810 gold
Finish Mekansm - 900 gold
17. Item Explanations
Headdress gives you and your ally early game HP regeneration. Eul gives you a disable, great for saving allies/stalling for ganks, as well as a nice amount of +int.
Guinsoo stick, after your cyclones run out, gives you Hex, always useful no matter what the circumstance.
Mekansm can be used indefinitely because of Guinsoo mana Regen, and makes you a great supporter.
18. Possible Items Afterwards
Necromicon - Useful on damn near any hero, this will aid your survivability in battle while providing assistance to your team.
Boots of Travel - Useful for controlling the map, getting into position, or just plain running the hell away.
Eul Scepter - Yes, you read that correctly. Grab yet another Eul for another 6 charges of cyclone and, when it's depleted, turn it into a Guinsoo Scythe and pass it to an ally.
19. Game play Walk through
Note: You'll probably notice a lot of similarities with the other build here. Well, there really aren't that many different ways to play Zeus early, to be honest, so bear with me.
--Early Game (Level 1-10)--
Since you're playing a support build, try to team up with an allied caster hero. Tell him you're grabbing an early headdress, and ask him (nicely) if he can get a Basilius to support you. If a chicken is available, ask for shared control so that it can run you the headdress recipe.
Manage your lane using standard farming/denying tactics (See my Micro Guide if you need clarification). Whenever your mana is full, toss an Arc Lightning at the enemy hero(s). If their hp Regen is lacking, spamming Arc/Lightning Bolt may force them to heal, or, if they're careless, possibly an early kill. You can also use Arc on low hp creeps to farm and harass the enemy at the same time.
Once you have Static, whenever you cast Arc you want to run within 500 range of the enemy hero before casting it, then back off.
You must farm your Void Stone quickly in order to keep up the pressure on the enemy heroes, or you risk them becoming unmanageable later in the game.
Level 7 is your best time to score a kill. If the enemy in your lane seems to be too tough to kill, gank another enemy lane. Make sure you have enough mana for 2 statics, a Lightning, and Wrath.
Procedure for killing enemy heroes is as follows: move within 500 AOE of them, cast Arc, move closer, cast Lightning, chase, attacking once or twice if possible, cast Arc, then quickly cast Wrath. If you have the mana for it, an additional Lightning before Wrath will help with high HP heroes.
After casting a spell, immediately command Zeus to move to interrupt his .25 second casting animation. This can mean the difference between killing a hero and letting him escape.
Use your charges of cyclone wisely. Saving yourself or an ally is always a good way to use it, but you may also want to arc, lightning, cyclone to give your spells a chance to cool, then repeat for an easy kill.
--Middle Game (Level 11-16)--
You are definitely becoming weaker at this point, so substitute quantity for quality. Use your two main nukes as soon as they cool to keep up a nonstop barrage of spells at your enemy. It is best if your teammate has some late game potential, so he can pick up where you start to leave off.
You are a huge gank target, since many hunter heroes can easily tank your nukes, disable you, and kill you. You have no disables at this point, so play smartly. Keep an eye on the minimap and try not to travel alone.
If needed, use Hex to save yourself.
--Middle Game (Level 11-16)--
Don't be stingy with Mekansm. Your mana regen should be more than enough to support it at this point. Arrange a signal to allies to group close together for a heal, such as "Mek".
Since you are a fragile support hero, stay on the outer fringes of the battle. You still want to keep their tank heroes within a medium distance so they are affected by Static, but any closer and you will probably die. Start by disabling either their best disabler or strongest fighter with Hex, then spam your nukes as often as possible, and save Wrath until one of the enemy heroes is dangerously low. Run in to Mekansm allies who fall below half HP and are being actively targetted.
20. Recommended Allies
Keeper of the Light/Chakra Magic:
Chakra Magic and Zeus make the lane they're in a nightmare for enemy heroes. Illuminate and Wrath can take out faraway enemy heroes from full HP.
Venomancer/Poison Nova:
Poison Nova leaves enemies dangerously low, but never kills. Follow up with Wrath for an easy triple kill, and be sure to thank your ally.
Decrepify + Nukes. 'Nuff said.
21. Worst Enemies
Juggernaut/Blade Fury:
Blade fury makes him immune to spells, slicing through your HP like there's no tomorrow and setting up perfectly for an Omni slash. Own him early or expect to be owned all game long.
No disables vs. Antimage = pain. He'll laugh off your nukes once he maxes Spell Shield midgame. Again, try to be in his lane early game so that you can make sure he never gets that far.
Nerubian Assassin/Mana Burn:
Your worst nightmare, since Mana Burn completely shuts you down early game. Later, Vendetta means you'll die often before you even know what hit you. I suggest rushing Necronomicon 3 in order to counter Invisibility.
Mid/Late game, once he Rages and hits you once you might as well start planning what you're going to do once you revive. Ask to be on his lane early game so you can make him suffer.